Sue Mackay won both halves of the competition and wins the One Ball trophy
Modified start | PB | GM | CW | PP | SM | JE | KH | JL | SMc | RM, | CM | |
Peter Balchin | X | |||||||||||
Garry McElwain | X | -1 | ||||||||||
Chris Williams | X | |||||||||||
Paul Pristavec | X | 2 | ||||||||||
Sarah Melvin | X | |||||||||||
John Evans | X | |||||||||||
Kevin Ham | -1 | X | 2 | -1 | ||||||||
Julian Langston | -1 | X | -1 | 2 | ||||||||
Sue Mackay | 2 | 2 | X | 2 | 2 | |||||||
Rod Mackay | 2 | -1 | -1 | X | ||||||||
Clove Moncrief | -1 | |||||||||||
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Handicap | <2 | 2:5 /4.5 | 5/8 | 9/12 | 14/18 | >20 | ||||||
Start at hoop | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
+2 points for a win, -1 point for a loss. Minimum of 4 games to be played.
Modified start details in the club room. Starting hoop depends on the handicap of each player.
Each player’s One-Ball handicap will be the lowest of (a) their AC handicap, (or effective handicap as detailed below,) (b) 2.5 times their GC handicap and (c) 20.
1/3 bisques | PB | GM | CW | PP | SM | JE | KH | JL | SMc | RM | |
Peter Balchin | X | ||||||||||
Garry McElwain | X | 2 | |||||||||
Chris Williams | X | ||||||||||
Paul Pristavec | X | 2 | |||||||||
Sarah Melvin | X | ||||||||||
John Evans | X | ||||||||||
Kevin Ham | -1 | X | 2 | -1 | -1 | ||||||
Julian Langston | -1 | X | 2 | ||||||||
Sue Mackay | -1 | 2 | -1 | X | 2 | ||||||
Rod Mackay | 2 | -1 | X | ||||||||
You can be added here |
- AC players with a handicap of under 2, play off an effective handicap.
1.5 becomes 1 , 1 becomes 0 , 0.5 becomes -1 , 0 becomes -2, -0.5 becomes -3
-1 becomes -4 , -1.5 becomes -5, -2 becomes -6 , -2.5 becomes -7, -3 becomes -8 - The higher handicapped player will get bisques equal to the difference in One-Ball handicaps, divided by three, then rounded to the nearest half. (e.g. a 10 plays a 5: 10 – 5 = 5 / 3= 1.66; therefore 1.5 bisques.)