Revised Covid 19 Rules

Revised Covid 19 Rules

November 2021


Since May 2021 the Club has been open for play, subject to some less stringent conditions than those formerly in place.  These revised rules contain some continuing restrictions designed to protect everyone from infection; to comply with the advice and  guidelines issued by HM Government and others and to enable the Club to make an orderly and cautious transition to the “new normal”, when that seems appropriate, in the exercise of our combined “personal responsibility”.   Those who are vulnerable need to remain particularly diligent.  We must all have regard to the fact that the pandemic is not yet over.   

A full vaccination programme provides a high degree of protection against severe illness and death. However, those vaccinated can still become infected and can transmit the virus to others.  Research has shown that spread of the virus is most likely to occur when people are gathered, and breathing, together in confined, indoor spaces.  It is unlikely to be spread in the open air and it is also much less likely than was previously thought that the virus will be transmitted via a hard or fabric surface that has not been recently sanitised. 

The following rules have been made accordingly.

Use of the premises generally

All members will be eligible to visit and play provided that they have paid the annual subscription. 

Members must continue to use the on-line booking system to book a court.  It will not be necessary to book for the “roll up” GC sessions.  These will continue, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.  Those who attend these sessions must (preferably through only one of their number) inform the Secretary by email (, so that she may keep a record for “track and trace” purposes.

All play will continue to be at members’ and guests’ own risk.

Guests and spectators will be allowed provided that they observe these rules and guidelines at all times.

Members who entertain guests must pay the required guest fee into the Club bank account directly and must not leave cash, cheques or other instruments in the clubhouse.

Members or guests who are feeling unwell, including experiencing symptoms of a viral infection, in particular with the Delta variant of headache, runny nose,

sore throat, or the already known symptoms of a persistent cough, high-temperature or loss of sense of smell or taste, must not attend the Club.  Equally, they must not attend the Club during a period of quarantine.

Use of the clubhouse

Members should be respectful of others’ personal space at all times and should minimise close, face to face conversation and contact.

All necessary equipment, including hoops, balls, pegs, clips, bisques and corner flags have been restored to the croquet equipment storage area.  The folding chairs will also be kept there and elsewhere as appropriate.

Since good hand hygiene is a barrier to Covid transmission, sanitising gel will remain available for personal use as individually required and before food preparation or eating. Disinfectant spray will be available for general cleaning of catering and eating surfaces and toilets and basins. Disposable gloves will only be available for routine cleansing of toilet rooms.

No more than 12 persons may be present the clubhouse at any one time, save as is set out below,  When the clubhouse is in use, the external doors and the door to the corridor must be kept open to provide ventilation.  The windows cannot, at present, be opened.  In extremely cold weather, doors may be closed, but only during that period.

In the event of adverse weather or other intolerable conditions, more than 12 members and guests may, exceptionally, use the clubhouse for shelter for limited periods of time.  As indicated above, doors may need to be closed during

those conditions.  During such times, face coverings should be worn by all of those gathered inside.  It is expected that members and their guests will remain in the open air unless they reasonably conclude that the balance of risk would favour this limited use of the indoor facilities by a larger group.

The cleaning of hoops, balls, pegs, clips and corner markers, mallets and folding chairs will no longer be required.

Use of the toilet facilities

Toilet facilities will be available at any time.

Disposable gloves and disinfectant spray will be available for routine toilet (and basin) cleansing.

The plastic bins with plastic liners must be used for the disposal of all used paper towels.  The last person using the courts on each day will be responsible for removing all full, or nearly full, plastic bin liners and disposing of them appropriately.

Use of the cloakrooms

The cloakrooms may be used for access to the toilet facilities and for the storage of cloaks; other clothing, over or under garments, bags or other accoutrements.  However, members and their guests should, if possible, attend the Club wearing the clothes in which they intend to play.  No more than 4 people should change clothing or shoes in each of the cloakrooms at any one time. 

Use of the courts

There will no longer be any limit on the number of players using a court and the courts may be divided to facilitate wider use of them, when that becomes necessary or appropriate. 

Members should secure the gate with the padlock during play to prevent casual, uninvited visitors entering the playing area and the pavilion.

Members and their guests should not make close physical contact with each other and should respect others’ personal space, unless they are from the same household or bubble.

Croquet equipment may be used on the courts without special handling restrictions.