Welcome to Farnham Croquet Club

A group of us had for some time been looking to set up a croquet club in Farnham on the Surrey and Hampshire border. After a long search, we agreed arrangements with an existing Bowls Club to share their lawn and formed Aldershot Bowls and Croquet Club and started play in April 2024 – see https://aldershottractionbowlscroquet.uk for details of the Club.

Initially at least we are focussing on Golf croquet – which is a much more sociable (and less vicious 😊) form of the game than some of you may have played casually in the past. Typically a game lasts about 45 minutes. The game can be played by all ages and all genders. For those who don’t know this format of the game, please click here.

However, we do intend to also play Association Croquet at some stage – if you have experience or expertise in this, we’d love to talk to you.

If you’re interested in joining the Club, please click visit https://aldershottractionbowlscroquet.uk. It doesn’t matter if you’re already an established croquet player, or a complete “newbie” – all are welcome, regardless of age, gender and ability.